Coaching Spot

Welcome to Real Change

Great news: You do not have to do it alone

Welcome to Real Change

Great news: You do not have to do it alone

Welcome to Real Change

Great news: You do not have to do it alone

Welcome to Real Change

Great news: You do not have to do it alone

Online Coaching made Personal

You are unique, but the challenges you face to transform your body are not. Our team is here to help you achieve your goals and walk with you through the fire. To achieve all you want, you will need to have 3 pillars. Fitness, Nutrition and Accountability. Most plans have one or two of those pillars, but without all 3 you won't achieve lasting results. Wherever you are, our team will guide and support you on the journey of your current goals. We will guide you through tough times and check your form on video calls. We will celebrate your wins and make adjustments to your plan as needed. You have not been able to do this alone and the great news is you don't have to anymore.

Your personal coach is now in your pocket!

Personalized Schedule

Let's transform your body with a training program made for you and your goals. Everything you need right here in your hands! Workouts, meal plans, activity goals and chat with your coach.

Success Stories

Transformation before after
Robert lost 28 lbs in 6 Weeks

Choose your path to success

8 Week Challenge

8 Week Challenge

Reinvent your physique and embark on a journey towards a healthier you! Embrace sustainable habits that will stand the test of time. Let's craft a stellar fitness and nutrition regimen tailored just for you, ensuring you stay committed and rediscover your love for your body!

Video Assessment

Full Access to Coaching Spot App

Customized Fitness Plan

Customized Meal Plan

1-1 Accountability call every week

Access to exclusive facebook group

Access to your coach for questions

for 8 Weeks
6 Week Challenge

6 Week Challenge

A complete program for Gainesville locals. Fun trainer-led workouts in a small group, meal plans and nutritional guidance, and regular accountability to keep you going.

Sign Up!

Choose your time Slot

Schedule your onboarding!

Schedule your first workout!

for 6 Weeks
Coaching Membership

Coaching Membership

This plan is perfect if you need flexibility and want to work on your goals. It provides customized workouts, meal plans, and support from our accountability team. We also have in-person meetings every six weeks to make sure we are right on track towards your goals!

Full Access to Coaching Spot App

Custom Workouts

Custom meal plans

Access to your accountability coach

6 week reassessment

Online Coaching

Online Coaching

Get fit as you work out anywhere and anytime. 1 on 1 calls and access to our team of coaches.

Customized Workouts

Meal Plans and Nutritional Guidance

Full Access to Coaching Spot App

Accountability Coach

Check in Calls

Year of Change

Year of Change

Small Group Training at the AF location in Gainesville.

3 Trainer Led work outs

Customized Nutritional Plan

In Person Check ins

Accountability Coach

AF Member

AF Member

Have full access to our APP, great workouts and nutritional guidance.

Access to workout library

Hundreds of healthy recipes

Full access to resources

Nutrition Tracking

for first month

Your Coaches

Our team believes in you! With the right support and guidance, you can achieve your goals and change your life. Our team of experts will be at your service! We specialize in helping you master the basics, so that you can have long-term success. No B.S., no crash or fad diets, no magic pills. Our coaches have done the work and helped dozens of clients reach their goals. We are experts in changing your body composition, making you leaner and more muscular. We will guide you every step of the way until you have achieved the body you love. Our coaches work with busy people. Whether you have never worked out or have many years of experience, we will get you lasting results. You will finally be able to have a life where looking and feeling great is the normal.

Your Coaches

Complete personalized fitness solution

One-on-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalized Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customized Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. We will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your coaches are real people who are on-call to support you. They'll message you often, build new training plans as you progress. They will also respond as you have questions or need changes made. Your coaches will also have a meal plan that aligns with your goals. Once you choose your plan you'll schedule your orientation with your coach. That call happens over video call on the Coaching Spot App. Through the Coaching Spot app your coach will stay up-to-date with you. They will track your workouts, eating habits and how those things are affecting you. You will also be able to send videos to your coach so that they can correct your form on the exercises.

You do not! Your coaches will build the plan with you in mind. We make your workouts after your initial consultation, so we know what we are working with. Whether you are at home with no equipment, a full gym, or changing your routine while on vacation; we got you covered. Your coaches can include other activities you enjoy, like running or group classes. The goal is to create a full plan that you enjoy and that you can stick to over the long haul.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.